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Saturday was a sunny day, the temperature was around 28 °C... the coldest of the week (!!!)....we decided to take the motorbike and go somewhere to take some picture...there are a lot of beatufull places around our home and one of these is Tolfa...
Tolfa è un paesino molto piccolo che si trova in aperta campagna, molto conosciuto tra i motociclisti per la strada molto divertente che porta al centro del paese,ma la strada non è l'unica cosa bella di Tolfa...
Tolfa is a very small town in the country side and is really well known to the motorbikers for the funny street that bring in to the center of the town, but the street is'nt the only beautifull thing that you can find in Tolfa...
C'è la Chiesa vecchia sulla cima del paese, con la sua torre ancora più vecchia
There is the old church in the top of the town, with the tower, probably older than the church
e la vista dalla chiesa lascia senza fiato
and the land scape that you can see there bring you breath away!
Dopo la gita siamo andati al cinema,a quella è un'altra storia!
After our stop in Tolfa we decided to go to the cinema, but it is another story!!
E' stato un bel sabato!
It was a great saturday!